Here is how to set it up:
1. Create an event website
2. Go to the 'Menu - Event settings' dialog, tab 'RSVP', enable 'Ask for Age' and save the change.
3. Invite guests one of 2 ways: add them into the guest list and send email invitations via PartyLabz or, get event website public URL and send it to the invitees the way you want.
Here as an example of how it works:
1. Guest will follow the link in the invitation to open your event website
2. He/She clicks on the green RSVP button
3. Guest fills up the RSVP form where he/she:
3.1. specified number of attendees (1 = comes alone, 2 = comes with his +1, 3 = brings 2 people,m etc)
3.2. if the guest brings some people he/she needs to click on the 'Add other guests information' and enter the names and ages of people who come with him.
4. Clicks on Yes/Maybe/No to complete RSVP submission
You need to open the event website as the host of the event and go to the 'Guests' tab to see all RSVP'd guests. In the table, you will see the 'Age' column. If the value is empty or zero it means the guest did not enter age and you can consider him an adult.
As PartyLabz does not count kids (people with age less than some value) you will need to export the guest list to Excel application. To do so, go to the 'Guest' tab and click on the 'Download' button, and then import the file into Excel application. Please make sure to tell Excel that column separator is a semicolon (;).