To accept payments on your event website you need to have Stripe account and do following steps:

1. Link your stripe account to your account at PartyLabz. You can do this on page by clicking on the orange button 'Connect with Stripe' and follow the instructions;

2. Configure payments for your event. This can be done on your event page in the 'Menu - Payments configuration'. If you want guests to pay some specific amount, for example, 10$, please enter parameters as displayed on the screenshot below:

3. Add a tab with the 'Payments' function.

How it will work four your guests
  • A guest follows you event website link and clicks on the green 'RSVP' button.
  • The guest fills out RSVP form and clicks on the 'Submit' button and gets redirected back to the event website default tab (you can set up your payments tab to be opened automatically). After the RSVP our system adds a guest ID to the event website URL - '?guest=xyz' which make the guest recognizable by our system. Also, the service sends RSVP confirmation email to guest's email address.
  • He goes to payments tab and clicks on the 'Pay' button and in the stripe's popup window enters his email, credit card information and clicks one more time on the 'Pay' button. You will receive the money on your Stripe account and Stripe should send you payment notification to your email address. If in the configuration you chose to pay our fee then a fee (2%) will be taken from the amount before sending the money to your Stripe account.
  • After the payment, the guest will get an email with payments confirmation and you will get notification from Stripe service.

Please feel free to try it out with the test mode enabled so you could RSVP as a guest and make test payment.