Each tab you create for your event website has a property called 'Who can see the tab'. You can find it in the 'Tab settings ...' dialog of the current tab. It can have the following values:
- Host - it means that only host and co-hosts can see the tab. By default, only the 'Guests' tab has the value.
- Guests - it means that only recognized guests can see the tab. A guest is recognized when he opens the website using his individual link which has '?guest=<some unique value>' in event website URL. This part is added automatically right away as guests RSVP's. When the guest left the website then later to open website as a recognized guest he needs to use the link our service sends to his email upon RSVP submission. The email can get to spam/junk/updates folder. By default, all not content tabs have the value as all the functional tabs (polls, signups, etc) require guest ID to work.
- All - it means that everyone who follows your event website link can see the tab. By default, only content tabs have the value. You can make any tab available for everyone. Though remember that some functionality will not work (polls, signups) although visitors will be able to see all the information.