Need to switch your event to a different email? Here's how:

  1. Go to your event's Dashboard.
  2. Click on "Event Details" in the menu.
  3. Scroll down to "Host Details".
  4. Type the new email in the "Host email" box.
  5. Double-check the new email is correct.
  6. Click "Save".

What happens next:

  • The old host gets an email about the change.
  • The new host gets an email welcoming them.
  • The old host becomes a co-host of the event.

For the new host to see the event:

  1. Go to "My Events" page.
  2. If you're on the same device, sign out first.
  3. Enter the new email address.
  4. Use the one-time password sent to that email.
  5. You'll see the event in your list.


  • Only do this if you really need to change the host.
  • Make sure the new host is ready to take over.

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